Learn how to grow cucumbers

Hello I'm mrr leak and I'm here today to tell you how to grow cucumbers.
Cucumbers are often grown in raised beds such as this one and they are also sometimes grownin mounds.
If you do a raised system like this it is good to have the soil freshly tillednice and loose and pile it in the beds and form the edges.
If you are going to do itin mounds then you can build the mounds with the soil that is around them.
If you are goingto plant in mounds then you can do about four to five seeds per mound.
space the moundsabout two to three feet apart and what you will just do is put a little hole in the top,maybe two inches deep for cucumber seeds, pop them in, close it up and water it reallywell.
If you are going to do it in rows then you can make out the row and put the cucumberseeds in about an inch deep every 18 inches or so, do two seeds every 18 inches and havethose rows be about two feet apart.
Cucumber plants are not frost tolerant which meansthat if you plant them before a frost and it does frost they will die so you shouldwait until the last frost in your area is over to plant but do it soon after that becausecucumbers take a little while so they will start to grow and it is good to harvest thecucumbers consistently every couple of days when they are in season and when they aregetting actual cucumbers out of it.
If you leave them on the plant too long they'll enlargetoo much and they'll become yellow and kind of sour and the plant will stop producingnew cucumbers so it is important to keep on top of them,
water them throughout the seasonpretty thoroughly especially when they are producing their cucumbers on the plant andkeep it weed free because that will increase your yield as

well.  I'm Jarrett from StoneSoup Farm and that's how to grow cucumbers.

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